Australian researchers and businesses are delving into seaweed properties that can improve health and fight climate change as they work to create a new seaweed industry for the country.
The seaweed compounds that create these positive bioactive responses in people, plants and animals – the 'bioactives' – will be the focus of several sessions at the International Seaweed Symposium in Australia next year.
As a media partner for the symposium, Coretext has been working on a series of articles to highlight key issues and speakers at the event, which will run from 19-24 February 2023, in Hobart and online.
Our latest features looks at work underway in Australia to develop new bioactive products.
Check out the story 'Bioactive future for Australian Seaweed Industry', created in the Shorthand digital storytelling platform.
For more seaweed stories visit our website dedicated to Australian seaweed news