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Meet Tiffany Paczek, our production editor

Melissa Marino

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

A woman reading a book under lamp light

Tiff is our safe port in a storm. Infectiously cool in every way, she is eternally calm under pressure, a kind and supportive human and a razor-sharp editor. Plus, the shoes!

Here she shares a few things about herself as part of our #2minuteswithcoretext series.

• Describe your job:   

As subeditor/production editor, I handle Coretext’s copyediting and proofreading when it hits the production stage. It means I have the privilege of reading our writers’ important and inspiring stories and helping them refine their pieces, as well as getting to learn about all these fascinating developments in various industries around the world.

• How long have you worked at Coretext?

Almost five years.

• Best aspect of your job?

It’s my dream job – I get to read for a living! But seriously, I get to lose myself in words and stories, and exercise my grammar-police tendencies. Also, I feel lucky that I work for a company with admirable values, particularly when it comes to improving the world. And I get to work with some fascinating people, so that’s pretty great.

• Tell us about the photo you’ve provided

It’s just me in my little reading nook. My book collection technically qualifies as a library now, so this is just a small portion of it!

• Where were you born?

Adelaide, SA, on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people.

• What are you reading, watching or listening to?  

I tend to read several books at once, and one I’m really enjoying is A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson, which is a beautifully told queer reimagining of Dracula’s brides. I’m also reading Grace Tame’s autobiography, The Ninth Life of a Diamond Miner, and it’s phenomenal – what an incredible human she is.

• What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I love heavy metal. And I also love Taylor Swift.

• When I was a child I wanted to be:

A witch.

• In my spare time:

I read (shocking, I know!). And I buy books. They’re two separate hobbies :P

• The country I’d most like to visit is:

Scotland, to trace my roots and fit in among the gingers.

• I admire the ability to:

Play an instrument and write music. Some people’s talent just bowls me over!


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